"I just checked our sales for the month and our gross profit is up
by at least 20%. This is almost entirely due to using ServiceShop."
Lori Williams
Gary's Full Service Auto Repair Aurora, CO
ServiceShop features not in Senior Service Manager
This is a listing of ServiceShop features that do not, cannot,
and will not exist in Senior Service Manager. As a Senior
Service Manager user, we expect you scrutinize this list - print
it, highlight it, study it. Then.. we expect you to scrutinize
ServiceShop itself - just as intensely. Then… you tell us. Any
comparison? We don't think so. In fact, we challenge you to find
an area of Senior Service Manager that ServiceShop doesn't
improve upon.
Menu Pricing
ability to hide parts prices and/or part numbers
ability to hide parts & labor breakdown on a per job or per
invoice basis
designed in cooperation with Ned Tomarchio of the Automotive
Leadership Institute
Next Generation SSM
Next generation SSM product
Capable of importing SSM data** at the end-user level
You’ll be able to do this as a dry-run practice before you go
Upgrade from SSM includes all modules that duplicate SSM
Easy To Adapt
Thinks very much like SSM; it will be easy for you and your
staff to adapt
Looks & works like an office suite; extremely easy to learn;
totally consistent throughout
Fully adheres to Windows conventions for interface design
Significantly easier to train new employees
Consistent use of icons and keyboard shortcuts throughout
Centralized, graphical navigation system accesses entire system
from a floating “Main Toolbar”
Provides direct & immediate access entire program in a single
All customer-related functions are centralized in a single
window (“Customer Desktop”)
All vendor-related functions are centralized in a single window
(“Vendor Desktop”)
System configuration is centralized and organized in a single
window with a tree-based interface
All reports are centralized and organized in a single window
with a tree-based interface
Open & edit many documents simultaneously
(service orders & invoices, parts invoices, estimates, p.o.'s
Active Support Access contracts carry through from SSM to S2K
Support Access Contract includes maintenance releases and many
enhancements at N/C
Support Access Contracts available on annual or quarterly
Development & Updates
Product is under constant development; frequent new versions &
optional enhancements
Updates itself over the Internet***. Say goodbye to installing
Single click to check for available updates.
If an update is available, single click to download and install
Server downloads the updates for the client workstations.
Single click to update the client workstations from the server
Allows GenesisFour to offer frequent updates at no cost to
GenesisFour; translation: OFTEN!
Allows GenesisFour to offer frequent updates at no cost to you
Makes updates available to you instantly - no shipping delays
Extensive modularization provides flexibility in offering new
functionality via optional Product Modules
Overall System-Level Enhancements
Unlimited divisions (SSM limit:10)
Unlimited Fees means you can now use Fees for F.E.T. on tires (SSM
limit: 10)
Unlimited Payment Types can be used for vendors for whom you do
warranty work, etc (SSM limit: 8)
Unlimited Appointment Schedules (SSM limit: 2)
Remembers which user logged in last, which division you used
last, which printer you printed to last
Design & use your own graphics for company logo, disclaimers,
local forms requirements, etc)
Different graphics for each customer document (estimates,
service orders & invoices, parts invoices, credits, etc)
Customer credits have been thoroughly re-engineered and are
significantly easier to use
Integrates with QuickBooks*, Mitchell Parts & Labor Estimating
Guide*, & ALLDATA*
Integrates with MacDonald Parts-Select Wincat electronic parts
Supports CustomerLink (Customer Relations Management service;
see ****
Supports fractional on-hand quantities
Search for, create, and update inventory from within the same
Fleet feature: Service orders and counter parts invoices have
dedicated field for P.O. (from customer)
Fleet feature: Set any customer to “Require P.O.”; collect P.O.
number before creating service number
Extensive new sales tax capability; supports an unlimited number
of special tax schemes
Assign tax schemes on a per customer basis; no more prompting
for special tax
Thermal label printer support (customer, parts (with bar codes),
and vendors)
Stores file attachments How it works...
Dedicated email address field for each customer; single click to
generate an email to any customer.
Single click to generate a map to any customer’s address in the
Normalized database for Customers & Prospects; prospect
instantly becomes customer at first sale
Recent Files feature allows you to instantly find, view, and
sort active customer documents & p.o.'s
Improved record locking allows multiple users into the same
customer document without consequence
Find customers by 15 fields
(File As, VIN#, Fleet #, Make, Model, Company Name, all phone #
fields, etc).
Search by customers by either begins or contains search methods
10 user-definable fields allow you to track any data imaginable
(6 for customers, 4 for vehicles).
New integrated contact management system (“Contacts Journal”)
replaces SSM’s “Contactrac” - significantly improved design
makes it far more useable
track and document all conversations with customers and
professional contacts
each user can independently set his own follow-up calls for each
tracks prospects separately from active customers; market
separately to each
supports unlimited-length journal entries for both prospects and
No need to create a customer from a prospect – this is handled
System automatically converts customer status from “Prospect” to
“Active” at first sale
Improved customer source tracking How it works...
Graphical interface makes this much easier to use
Uses traditional Windows tree-view to allow quick identification
of correct customer source
Tracks sources of prospects and customers
Organizes customer sources in to "source groups"
Supports an unlimited number of customer source groups and
customer sources.
Allows you to assign sources to new customers, and also to each
Tracks customer referrals by allowing any customer to be
selected as a source
Customer Source Report reports separately on sources of new
customers and of each invoice
Customer Source Report shows customer referrals separately from
all other customer sources
Configurable to require new customer source selection by user
Separately configurable to require new customer source selection
on invoices
Stores file attachments (such as scanner waveforms and alignment
reports) with service history.
Marketing & Mailing
Complete marketing & mailing system with extensive sorting and
drill-down capability
Mailings can be restricted to geographic regions (city, state,
zip, etc)
Mailings can be restricted by vehicle fields (make, model, year,
Mailings can be restricted by variables such as less than/or
equal to, equal to, greater than/or equal to, etc
Mailings can be restricted to “Prospects, “All”, “Active”,
“Inactive”, or “Dead” customers
All customer sorts automatically create Microsoft Word2000* mail
merge for letters, labels, postcards
All customer sorts can be exported to comma separated files for
third-party mailing houses
Supports CustomerLink Customer Relations Management service; see ****
Customer Source Tracking tracks referrals from other customers
separately from other customer sources*
Customer Source Tracking on Service Orders/Invoices, Part
Invoices, and Estimates
Track salesperson on a per customer basis
Service Orders & Invoices
Labor lines are fully associated
parts, fees, additional times, tech time, tech notes are
associated with each labor operation
the customer sees the total of each operation on the final
All service writing functions take place within the service
order screen
service order screen is not converted to invoice until printed
view tech time without converting service order to an invoice
Add sublets, fees, additional items at any time
Add tech time from within a service order
Ability to manually enter tech time on a per-line basis from
within the service order
Tech time punching not necessarily required
Access time clock from within a service order
View running total of a service order in customizable totals box
Print preview for every printable document: service orders,
invoices, estimates, p.o.'s, (& all reports).
Insert labor lines between other labor lines. Move any labor
line to any position in either direction.
Unlimited-length Technicians Notes on a per labor line basis -
new reason to give a PC to each tech!
Unlimited length labor lines with the new “Labor Editor” - be as
descriptive as you like.
Labor editor appears on service orders, estimates, & Service
Cut, paste, or import from anywhere to anywhere.
Labor editor supports full font control: use font size, bold,
italics, underlining, & colors to add clarity.
The labor editor supports full spell check capability. Enhance
at any time with your own definitions.
Date & time stamp icon instantly adds date, time, & user name –
ideal for telephone authorizations.
Each labor line is a complete operation with all labor, parts,
fees, sublets, tech time, & tech notes.
Displays & prints the total of each labor operation
individually, with parts, labor, sublets & job total for each.
On/off print controls for labor times and part numbers.
Labor rate can be assigned on a per line basis without changing
default labor rate.
Set fixed labor amount for any labor line with a single click.
Override service supplies for any labor line with a single click
Maximum service supplies setting for each division
Import single or multiple-selected labor operations one estimate
to another, or from estimate to service order.
Create service templates from existing estimates, service
orders, and service invoices.
Labor Categories:
user-definable, unlimited number, each with
it's own labor rate if desired
Assign Labor Categories on a per labor operation basis
Labor Categories can be assigned on service orders, estimates,
and service templates
Assigned Labor Categories import automatically from estimates
and Service Templates to service orders
Analyze your work - report on sales & profitability by Labor
Category****- Determine which is most profitable.
Totals Box
(formerly the “Calc” Box in SSM) is actually Excel
and is completely customizable
Configure your own profitability analysis formulas to be
displayed each time you total an invoice
Customized Totals Box settings are stored locally on each PC
Multiple random-select parts-line delete on service orders &
Fleet feature: Service orders and counter parts invoices have
dedicated field for P.O. (from customer)
Service Order Estimated Amount Has Been Exceeded Warning - warns
if the invoice total exceeds the service order's estimated
amount. The system checks these totals against each other when
you print preview or produce the invoice.
Enhanced Time Management
24 hour time clock allows technicians to work across midnight
Configurable by division to prompt technicians to punch in and
out on a per labor-line basis
Line-by-line time tracking can be enabled or disabled on a per
division basis
View and modify tech times from within the service order
Enhanced Recommended Repairs
Stores canned, unlimited-length recommended repairs which can be
selected from a list within the service order
Unlimited number of recommended repairs per service invoice
Recommended repairs are printed after all labor operations
Recommended Repairs can be renamed; renaming carries through to
Imports “Standard Recommendations” available from Ned
Tomarchio’s Automotive Leadership Institute*
Imports “Standard Repair Descriptions” available from Ned
Tomarchio’s Automotive Leadership Institute*
Enhanced Service Templates (Replaces SSM's Job Titles & Lists)
No more distinction between jobs with and without parts.
Look like & are structured exactly like service orders and
estimates & hold all the same data.
Can be imported onto a service order or estimate.
Can be created from an existing service order or estimate.
Can be assigned to any make/any model, a specific make/any
model, or a specific make/model
Service Templates have the same labor editor as service orders,
with all same features and controls
Search for, create and update inventory items from within the
same window
Find any parts instantly with incremental search for parts -
just start typing, S2K starts searching
Simplified parts data entry: lookup, create, and update
inventory items from a single screen
Simplified parts data entry: new logic automatically fills in
price level fields
Now includes “Contains Search” on part numbers in addition to
Restrict by group while utilizing any of 5 search methods
Parts numbers are created, maintained, and sold all from the
same screen.
Fractional on-hand quantities and weight field for any part in
the system.
Ability to view or hide obsolete items while searching
Configurable Margin Control for Inventory Groups ("Cost-Based"
or a "List-Based").
Unlimited level Matrix Pricing based on cost (not list)
View up to 5 matrix levels on a single screen; scroll to view an
unlimited number of levels
Enhanced Price Rounding - specify a different round-to point for
each matrix, not just each group
Reprice By Formula runs automatically each time you update a
parts group (no need to run manually)
Enhanced cross-references
decreases the reasons to use supercessions (although
supercessions still exist)
Supports negative quantities on purchase orders - purchase and
return inventory on one document!
Integrates with MacDonald Parts-Select Wincat Parts Catalog*
Brings in parts as non-inventory-parts
Single click to convert non-inventory parts to inventory parts
Supports file attachments to parts; attach to any inventory item
Out of inventory condition offers option to immediately place an
order for this item
Parts are associated with labor lines.
Ability to move parts from one labor line to another
Multiple random-select parts-line delete
Single click to convert a non-inventory part to an inventory
Bar coding for parts inventory
Thermal label printer support for parts inventory (with bar
Vendors & Purchase Orders
Zip database has been added to vendor addresses
Unlimited length notes field on purchase orders
dedicated vendor's invoice field available from point of
purchase order creation
Print Preview everywhere for everything
Supports plain paper printing throughout.
Supports inkjets as well as lasers, including full color
printing support
Portrait or landscape format for all customer documents
(estimates, service orders & invoices, parts invoices etc).
Add your own custom graphics to all customer documents by
specifying the path to your graphics file.
All customer documents support color printing
Background color and density as well as ext color can each be
independently set.
Design & use your own graphics for company logo, disclaimers,
local forms requirements, etc)
Use different graphics for each customer document (estimates,
service orders & invoices, parts invoices, etc)
Supports printing to multiple print drawers.
Each type of document remembers the last printer selected on a
local machine basis
Thermal label printer support (customer, parts (with bar codes),
and vendors)
Customer labels for mailings can be sent to and printed from MS
General Ledger, A/P, & Banking are now now fully handled by
integration to QuickBooks****
Finance Charges in ServiceShop A/R
These functions are no longer provided by or supported by
QuickBooks handles Payroll; once you have upgraded, you will
have Payroll capability
QuickBooks offers dramatically enhanced General Ledger
Budgeting, forecasting, period comparisons, graphing,
customizable reports
Ability to import entire Chart of Accounts from QuickBooks makes
initial G/L setup effortless
Dramatically enhanced A/P
Ability to track paid invoices and print them on the check stub,
track 1099 vendors & 1099 preparation
Far more extensive payables reporting
Extensive & dramatically enhanced accounting reports throughout
including graphing capability
Dramatically enhanced banking functionality including support
for on-line banking
Interacts with TurboTax
Exports to Excel (QuickBooks Pro only)
Ability to have off-site bookkeeping personnel (simply email the
QuickBooks export file to your off-site location)
Totally re-engineered and dramatically easier to manage
Ability to browse for the service or parts invoice to issue
credit against while creating the credit
Ability to credit for sublets and or fees
Appointment Scheduler
Displays appointments in arrival time order
Supports an unlimited number of appointment schedules
Ability to individually configure any schedule to require
customer, service order, or vehicle
Create appointments from within service orders
Print Preview or print daily schedule
Print Preview support throughout (all printable documents can be
previewed throughout the system)
Each system includes a custom report generator (formerly
optional with SSM)
Improved Sales Report (now prompts for invoice detail when run
for multiple cash-out periods)
Improved A/R Aging Report
Improved: customer database analysis (Marketing & Mailing
Improved: Customer Source Report - improvements too numerous to
explain here
New: Labor Categories Sales Report
New: Discounted Invoices Sales Report
New: Sales Audit by Advisor Report (the salesperson of record on
the service order)
New: Sales Audit by Sales Representative Report (the salesperson
of record of the customer account)
New: Total Sales By Sales Representative
*any third party software referenced in this document is not
included with upgrade & must be purchased separately
**Some data is not imported – see below for details
***Most updates are handled over the Internet; there are rare
exceptions (extremely large updates)
****this functionality provided via an optional ServiceShop
module not included with the SSM to S2K upgrade
*****Major new areas of functionality never offered in SSM
(e.g., electronic parts catalog, Customerlink, etc) are options
to the upgrade
******Quarterly Support Access requires automatic credit card
withdrawal; other restrictions apply. Inquire.
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