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"I just checked our sales for the month and our gross profit is up by at least 20%. This is almost entirely due to using ServiceShop."
Lori Williams
Gary's Full Service Auto Repair Aurora, CO


For Unix Users

SSM 5.0 to SSM 5.1

Why Progress Now?




Why do we have to upgrade Progress now?


It would be malpractice of GenesisFour to not upgrade our technology until the last moment. SSM 5.0 A06 will not fully function in Microsoft’s newest Operating System Windows 7. We can’t sit around and wait until Microsoft starts shipping the next OS in order to create a program that does run on Windows 7. What we were able to do is upgrade Service2000 and Senior Service Manager 5.0 to run with Progress RDBMS 9.1e. By definition, when we make a change like this we have created the next version of our programs. Senior Service Manager 5.0 is now Senior Service Manager 5.1 and runs with Windows 7 Professional or Windows Server 2008 (32 or 64 Bit).

The process to upgrade Senior Service Manager 5.0 to Senior Service Manager 5.2 is to purchase a new copy of Progress RDBMS 9.1e. The only other cost is a labor charge to install the new database along with installing the new version of Senior Service Manager. Please call the office for a written quote so there will be no surprises.



Email for a quote today.

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