ServiceShop Sample Disclaimers
Here's an initial setup time-saver for you: rather than
typing all your messages and disclaimers into your new ServiceShop installation,
copy and paste from these samples, then edit to suit. It is important to note
that font sizes do not survive the cut and paste process. For this reason, font
sizes are given with each disclaimer.
Alternative method: if you happen to have an installed, running copy of the
ServiceShop Demonstration Edition, you can directly copy and paste sample
disclaimers from that into your live ServiceShop installation, and if you do,
font sizes WILL survive intact.
For your convenience,
samples on this page are provided in the same order they appear in ServiceShop.
1. From the Main ToolBar, Click on Configuration
2. Click on Division Settings, Messages & Disclaimers.
3. Select a division.
4. Select the document you wish to create a disclaimer for.
5. Copy and paste the appropriate disclaimer from this web page.
Don't be concerned if paragraphs appear too wide. They will re-wrap.
6. Click Apply to save your work so far.
7. Edit the disclaimer to suit using font controls provided in
ServiceShop; click Apply periodically to save your work.
8. Open any document of the type you just added a disclaimer for
(e.g., service order, service invoice, etc.)
9. Click Print, Print Preview and examine the results of your work.
10. Edit as needed, Print Preview as needed, then Print, in order to verify your
of our own
1. GenesisFour assumes no responsibility for the legal accuracy or
enforceability of these samples. They are provided strictly for reference
2. You definitely will need to edit after pasting. You may also need to
reformat, change font sizes, and so forth. Be sure to check your work carefully.
Counter Parts Disclaimer
(applicable only if you have the Counter Parts Module)
Your Company Name | 80 Your Street | City, ST 11111
Tel: 123-456-6789 | Fax: 987-654-3211 |
No returns without this invoice.
No returns after 20 days.
No returns or refunds on special ordered items.
No returns or refunds on electrical parts.
All returns subject to a 20% restocking fee.
information for Counter Parts Message:
Company name: Arial, 10 point bold
Telephone/web: Arial, 9 point regular
Message text: Arial 10 point regular
Credit Message (contact info only)
Your Company Name | 80 Your Street | City, ST
Tel: 123-456-6789 | Fax: 987-654-3211 |
information for Credit Message:
Company name: Arial, 10 point bold
Telephone/web: Arial, 9 point regular
Estimate Message
Your Company Name | 80 Your Street | City, ST
Tel: 123-456-6789 | Fax: 987-654-3211 |
Estimates are an approximation of charges to you,
and they are based on the anticipated details of the work to be done. It is
possible for unexpected complications to cause some deviation from the estimate.
If additional parts or labor are required you will be contacted immediately.
information for Estimate Disclaimer:
Company name: Arial, 10 point bold
Telephone/web: Arial, 9 point regular
Message text: Arial 10 point regular
Notes: There is an intentional (but optional) blank line between the
telephone/web line and the message text.
Invoice Message
Your Company Name | 80 Your Street | City, ST
Tel: 123-456-6789 | Fax: 987-654-3211 |
We appreciate your business and want to handle
all your service needs. Call us immediately if you are unhappy about anything we
did. Ask about our frequent customer discount program.
information for Service Invoice Message:
Company name: Arial, 10 point bold
Telephone/web: Arial, 9 point regular
Message text: Arial 10 point regular
Notes: There is an intentional (but optional) blank line between the
telephone/web line and the message text.
Service Order Disclaimer
Your Company Name | 80 Your Street | City, ST
Tel: 123-456-6789 | Fax: 987-654-3211 |
I hereby authorize the repair work hereinafter set forth to be done along with
the necessary material and agree that you are not responsible for loss or damage
to vehicle or articles left in vehicle in case of fire, theft or any other cause
beyond your control or for any delays caused by unavailability of parts or
delays in parts by the supplier or transporter. I hereby grant you and/or your
employees permission to operate the vehicle herein described on streets, highway
or elsewhere for the purpose of testing and/or inspection. An express
garagemen's lien is hereby acknowledged on above vehicle to secure the amount of
repairs thereto. I understand that I have the right to know before authorizing
my repairs what the repairs to my car will be and what their costs will be. You
need not obtain approval from me prior to performing repairs what the repairs
will be or their cost if the total amount for such repairs does not exceed
authorized amount.
information for Service Order Disclaimer:
Company name: Arial, 10 point bold
Telephone/web: Arial, 9 point regular
Message text: Arial 5 point regular (Note that you
have to manually type
"5" to get this font size. It is not available from the drop-down